Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Afghans and Accomplishments

I finished up another afghan last night! Two more to go. It seems I will get this accomplished after all. :) Last night I was pretty excited when I was able to motivate Trey into taking a walk with me. I told him that it would only be for 30 minutes..etc and so on. He really didn't want to get up out of his chair. He was comfortably reading a book there and the idea of putting on shoes and braving the cold did not appeal to him. But he grudgingly did and we proceeded on our walk. The first half went fairly well. He wore his new coat and a scarf I found for him at the dollar store, so he was bundled up nicely. he decided to try jogging a little way back home. Before too long he had jogged the whole way home! He actually told me he thought it was a magic coat he was wearing because it gave him the energy. I don't know where that idea came from, but I allowed him to believe it! Whatever know? Afterwards he told me he wanted to run every night. I sure hope he keeps this motivation alive.

This morning he and I did our catch up weigh-in. Technically it would be on a Monday, but after the Thanksgiving feast that lasted for 4 days, we decided to give ourselves 2 more days to get back on track. He has now lost 5 pounds! YAY! As for me, I am now down 17.5. I am also happy to report that my BMI (Body Mass Index) has gone from 45.7 down to 42.8. With a goal of 25 in the future, I am on my way!

Goals for today? Start on the last 2 afghans. I am working on Trey's at the same time as I work on the last one for Jeremy. That way, Trey will still see the yarn out and think I am just taking my time with Jeremy's and not question anything. It's hard to surprise that kid...he is so aware of everything! I also need to run to Winco this morning and stock up on our food add-ons. Fruits and veggies and low fat milk...that sort of thing. But before I do anything else...I need to get out there and do my walk!