Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Keeping Tabs on Myself

If  the amount of posts I have made here lately is indicative of how hard I have been working on my weight loss...it would about measure up. Because, I haven't made made that many posts like I did before and it is probably time I did to keep a better accounting of myself.

I truly have not been feeling well lately.  It started about a week or so ago and has not improved.  I do believe some of the emotional things I feel have direct impact on the physical.  And then I do that all too common....feed the emotions!  Oh, that vicious circle of defeat.

I want to be more pro-active though.  Actually, I NEED to be more proactive.

I was making a little photo thingy for my creative blog and while searching through all the old photos I had the distasteful job of facing the occasional picture of myself.  The thought occured to me that these photos are very few and far between because I have always avoided the camera at all costs.  Yes, I would take many pictures of others, but have managed to avoid having them taken of me.  And while I still don't like having photos taken of me, it is rather sad that many, many years of my life have never been documented in that way.  Somewhere down the line, when I am dead and gone, there will probably be a family researcher that will have a heck of a time putting a photo to my name because I haven't allowed it.  Really, in this day and age with all the cameras in every device imagineable, it is ironic that you still can't find a picture of me.  Not unless I make it happen.  I guess it's time to face a lot of things in my life and stop being afraid all the time.  Afraid of being seen, afraid of failure...and quite possibly....afraid of success.

So, note to self:  Knock it off, already!


MaryFran said...

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well....I do fully believe that stress can wreak havoc on our physical well being!

As for the rest of your post.....did you crawl inside my head and write what I was thinking????

I have long hidden from the camera and yes, I'm deathly afraid of failure because obviously who wants to be a failure. But I'm also afraid of success.....because if I'm successful, then I will have to admit that everything that goes bad in life is NOT caused by my fatness!