Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday Updates

There isn't anything new to write about today, but I felt like doing it anyway.  Things are running along fairly smoothly this week.  I have been plugging away at the miles indoors with my new Leslie Sansone walking Dvd.  It's kind of a killer...but in a doable way.  My muscles feel it though.  I think I had become adjusted to the level of my previous work out and so it wasn't doing a lot for me other than taking up a couple hours of my day.  I am sure it was probably doing more than that for me...healthwise...but not so much in weight loss.  I hope I have some kind of loss to report on Monday though.  It's such a slippery slope though because I have to learn to master my eating on program when Jim comes home for the weekend.  I can have a wonderful week leading up to that and then find myself a little bit out of control because of the celebratory mood we get into.  Not that I would trade the chance to see my hubby for anything.  I just need to be in better control.  I think mostly I have been though.

I joined a couple new challenges on the NS boards.  Nothing as dramatic as previously.  There is a challenge leading up to St Patricks Day about exercise and another one that is basically just a support group.  Of course, there is always my walking group...but it's not really a challenge.  I wish I had a "real" walking group here I live.  It would be nice to have someone to walk and talk with.  Ah well...

So, 49 pounds's pretty awesome.  If I think about where I started just a few short months ago and where I am now, it's really very awesome.  I didn't know I would succeed.  I think in the back of my head was always the notion that I might not because I haven't been very successful to this extent many times.  Seriously, it's been about 20 years!  I just have to keep plugging away.  I do have a good support system here at home.  Jim is always very encouraging and indulgent with me and whatever tools I need to succeed.  And Trey has benefitted from the changes himself.  He told me recently that he didn't think he would ever be able to have had his success without my help and direction.  He has no idea that him doing it alongside me without too much complaining has really helped me.  Either way, I am very thankful.