Thursday, February 25, 2010

Big News!

Big to me anyway!  I reached the -50 lb milestone today!  (actually 50.5) To celebrate I rewarded myself with 5 continuous miles with my Leslie Sansone dvd.  I am not in as much pain as I was at the beginning of the week after doing that, so I guess I have already started to adapt my muscles to it.  I even did the 1st mile with the 2 minute boost.  I decided I would work up to the other 4 boosted.  Too much bouncing around is not very....comfortable for me!

My oldest son and his wife are at the doctor right now....waiting to hear what the baby is going to be.  I am so excited!  Will add it here as soon as I hear back.  He said he would text me the ultrasound picture, so if that is true...I will try to add it to this blog. :)

Baby Clark was being modest, so they will return next week to try again.  I have to admit having seen the profile of my sweet little grandbaby really brought tears to my eyes.