Monday, November 30, 2009

Regrets and Negotiations

I have decided that I am moving my weigh-in day this week…until Wednesday. Why? Because I so over-did over Thanksgiving weekend that I don’t have results I am comfortable facing today. But, the reckoning will stand after that, and whatever number comes up I will live with. Also, that doesn’t mean I am going to now always weigh in on a Wednesday. Next Monday, just a few days later; I will also face that number. I can live with this idea. I just couldn’t live with today’s weight.

I had a feeling as the food holiday neared last week that I was going to have some problems. To be honest, I started this program very close to the holiday and wasn’t sure I was very prepared for the full force of a full-on buffet of wonderful and delicious food choices. Plus the abundance left over the following days. I exercised hard leading up to and even on the day, but it just didn’t do for me what it needed to. Ah well….now I need to not keep dwelling on my past and focus forward to Wednesday. Yes, that is where my energy needs to lie.

Despite food issues…the holiday weekend was great. I was able to spend time with family on Thursday and had the pleasure of an extra day with my husband. Even if we don’t do anything…it’s just nice being able to hang out in the same space with each other. We were able to get a bit of Christmas shopping done. That was a bonus. I need to get the presents wrapped and out of sight from Trey as soon as possible. I think I will dig out the decorations today too and decide what kind of tree design we will have this year. It may be time to tweak that again. I sense a trip to Dollar Store in my future today.

Another afghan is nearly finished. I only have a few more rows and then some fringe to add. I will add a picture as soon as I do.