Monday, November 30, 2009


I had a very busy day. It's a good way to avoid eating though. I have a headache this evening and I know it is mainly because I didn't eat enough today. I just didn't have time to stop though. I managed to get down the bare minimum amount though and so I think I will be okay. I think all the Christmas shopping is done! YAY! There is still some stocking stuffers of course, but other than that, I think we are about finished for the most part. Trey and I went to the Dollar Store today after school and bought a whole beautiful collection of ornaments. Did I mention...ALL DOLLAR STORE? Because I think it looks lovely. Now to hope the cats leave my poor tree alone. We also installed mini trees in front of the house. Talk about a job! I am glad I got them up at the very beginning of the holiday season because if it were any less than just wouldn't be worth it! I also tried to put some lights in my tree...but one of the strings isn't working and so it looks stupid. But, it's staying until some genius (like my husband) can figure out how to fix that part. Below are some pictures:
